libfluidsynth  1.1.11
Deprecated List
Class _fluid_mod_t
To be removed from the public API.
Global fluid_gen_set_default_values (fluid_gen_t *gen)
Will be removed from the public API in a future release, because there is no current usecase for it.
As of 1.1.7 this enum value is deprecated and will be removed in a future release, because it prevents adding new enum values without breaking ABI compatibility.
Global fluid_settings_getstr (fluid_settings_t *settings, const char *name, char **str)
Global fluid_synth_create_key_tuning (fluid_synth_t *synth, int bank, int prog, const char *name, const double *pitch)
Use fluid_synth_activate_key_tuning(synth, bank, prog, name, pitch, FALSE) instead.
Global fluid_synth_create_octave_tuning (fluid_synth_t *synth, int bank, int prog, const char *name, const double *pitch)
Use fluid_synth_activate_octave_tuning(synth, bank, prog, name, pitch, FALSE) instead.
Global fluid_synth_get_channel_info (fluid_synth_t *synth, int chan, fluid_synth_channel_info_t *info)
Provides redundant functionality that can be achieved with fluid_synth_get_channel_preset() or fluid_synth_get_program().
Global fluid_synth_reset_tuning (fluid_synth_t *synth, int chan)
Use fluid_synth_deactivate_tuning(synth, chan, FALSE) instead.
Global fluid_synth_select_tuning (fluid_synth_t *synth, int chan, int bank, int prog)
Use fluid_synth_activate_tuning(synth, chan, bank, prog, FALSE) instead.
Global fluid_synth_set_gen2 (fluid_synth_t *synth, int chan, int param, float value, int absolute, int normalized)
As of 1.1.9 this function is deprecated, because there doesn't seem to be a use-case for it.
Global fluid_synth_set_midi_router (fluid_synth_t *synth, fluid_midi_router_t *router)
This function is only used by shell command handler, which will be refactored in a future release.
As of 1.1.7 this enum value is deprecated and will be removed in a future release, because it prevents adding new enum values without breaking ABI compatibility.
As of 1.1.7 this enum value is deprecated and will be removed in a future release, because it prevents adding new enum values without breaking ABI compatibility.